Exploring the Engineering Design Process Through Computer-Aided Design and 3-D Printing
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Build and race soap box derby cars as part of a unit on force and motion.
Journal Article |
Undergraduate engineering education in the United States is in need of reform that addresses the recruitment and retention of a diverse population of students. Change Chem is a curriculum reform model that has been…
Journal Article |
Conference attendees arrive at the registration desk at 9:00 a.m. sharp, eager to start their day. While standing in line, they talk excitedly about the sessions they’ve chosen to see, the original investigation they’ll…
"Nor Any Drop to Drink": Students Engineer Solutions for Desalinating Ocean Water
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Develop and test methods of small-scale desalination.
Science Meets Engineering: Applying the Design Process to Monitor Leatherback Turtle Hatchlings
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Explore how temperature and humidity determine the sex of leatherback turtle hatchlings.
Authentic Landscapes Indoors: Using Erosion Models to Connect Science and Engineering Practices
Journal Article |
Build models that explore how natural and human-made constructs limit erosion.