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  • Engineering Processes

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    Engineering Processes

  • Engineering Design

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    Has about 11 resources for various grade levels, several different examples all about Engineering Design and in quite a few different aspects of life including about three different resources from NASA

  • Engineering Design

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  • Design Engineering

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  • Engineering Fun!

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    I am interested in high school engineering projects. I’m looking for fun, engaging, and challenging projects for my honors students. —T., Rhode Island There is a vast amount of resources and ideas to help you out…

  • Engineering activities

    Blog Post |

    Are you interested in enhancing your STEM teaching repertoire? Or in integrating engineering concepts but not sure where to start? There have been some new features added to a free resource which is appropriate for in-…

  • Engineering and design

    Blog Post |

    I’ve talked with teachers who are concerned about the E in STEM. “I barely have time for science, and now I’m supposed to teach engineering, too? I’ve never studied engineering!” I think these teachers might feel a…

  • Science and engineering

    Blog Post |

    Table of Contents When looking at the cover and theme of this issue, I can imagine some of our colleagues thinking “So now I have to teach engineering, too? When do I find the time and resources?” As the editor…

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