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  • The Perfect Match

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  • Blick on Flicks

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    Blick on Flicks The latest (and final) Blick on Flicks: The End of Something: Blick on Flicks Looks Back Your browser does not support the audio element. Read the review We all love watching movies. But we also love science. And sometimes the two don't mix! To help us…

  • Self-Donning Sterile Gloves

    Journal Article |

  • Sustainable Mobility Expert E.J. Klock-McCook

    Journal Article |

  • Manuscript Review Form: Science and Children

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    Your anonymous comments will be used to help the author revise the manuscript. Is the manuscript accurate, scientifically and otherwise? Explain any inaccuracies. Is the activity/content grade-level appropriate and…

  • Science Packs

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  • A Focus on Function

    Journal Article |

    This column provides ideas and techniques to enhance your science teaching.

  • Online Connections: Journal of College Science Teaching

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    Online Connections: Journal of College Science Teaching January/February 2021 Facilitating Conceptual Change by Engaging Students’ Preconceptions During College Science Classroom Instruction Supplemental tables Sustainability, Energy, and the Green Economy Appendixes and additional resources…

  • Visual Impairments

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    Visual Impairments Students with visual impairments include those with low vision and those who are blind. Students who are blind may use Braille to read. Students with low vision tend to read print, may use optical devices, or may also read Braille like their peers who are blind. Both students who…

  • Beyond the Hook

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  • The Perfect Match

    Journal Article |

    A lesson that focuses on the intricate co-evolution of flowers with their pollinators is one way to help students learn the delicate balance in nature and help ensure that our actions do not upset this balance. In this…

  • Support for At-Home Learning

    Journal Article |

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