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  • Online Courses: AMNH Seminars on Science: The Brain: Structure, Function and Evolution

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    Neuroscience How does this remarkable three-pound organ interpret sensory input, control behavior, and shape who we are? Look inside the human body’s most complex structure. Authored by world-class experts at the…

  • Online Courses: MSU National Teachers Enhancement Network: Teaching Evolution

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    Evolution is a powerful and generative concept that is fundamental to a modern understanding of biology and the natural world. Evolution offers insight into how we came to be, what our future may hold, and how we…

  • Ed News: The Evolution of U.S. Teacher Salaries in the 21st Century

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    This week in education news, a look at the variation in teacher pay between the states, a new Lego set for middle schoolers that incorporates coding, and challenges ahead with the California test based on new science…

  • Resources to help teach my students about the Diversity and Evolution of Living Organisms

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    All the resources to teach my students about things related to my Big idea, which is Big Idea 15: Diversity and Evolution of Living Organisms.

  • From Viruses to Whales, Help Your Students Learn the Common Patterns of Evolution

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    What’s it like to study evolution as a scientist? That’s the question Judy Diamond, with the help of Carl Zimmer, E. Margaret Evans, Linda Allison, and Sarah Disbrow, set out to answer in writing Virus and the Whale:…

  • NSTA Press® Sample Chapters

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    NSTA Press® Sample Chapters Looking for Science Activities? NSTA Press publishes science activities for teachers of kindergarten through college on a wide range of topics. We've posted sample chapters and activities from our books for free download so you can look inside. Be sure to search our online bookstore for…

  • How does the knowledge of evolution and population genetics help us understand future effects of environmental changes?

    Lesson Plan |

  • Ed News: Critics Say Proposed NM Science Standards Omit Evolution, Climate Change

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    This week in education news, New Mexico unveiled proposed science standards that omit references to climate change and evolution; all California teachers with a teaching credential, including preliminary credentials…

  • OSTB 2021

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    OSTB 2021 Winning Titles Animal Homes Mary Holland Arbordale Publishing Take a home tour of selected bugs, birds, and mammals. Beautiful, full-page photos complement descriptions, materials, and uses of animals’ homes. A Spanish edition is available (Also in Spanish, Las casas de los…

  • A Journey to Acceptance

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    The main objective of this study was to characterize the acceptance of evolution among biology majors. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to track the opinions of students in relation to two aspects of…

  • Visual Impairments

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    Visual Impairments Students with visual impairments include those with low vision and those who are blind. Students who are blind may use Braille to read. Students with low vision tend to read print, may use optical devices, or may also read Braille like their peers who are blind. Both students who…

  • Building Bridges

    Journal Article |

    We describe a hands-on, collaborative activity designed to illustrate general properties of evolution, provide practice for quantitative skills, promote creativity and collaboration, and enable student self-assessment…

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