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  • science experiment for Kids

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  • Safety and Management for Experiments

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  • Second Teaching Experience

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    Radioactivity, Marie Curie, Minds On Hands On Hearts On

  • Fourth Teaching Experience

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  • Learning from experience

    Blog Post |

    My first year of teaching biology was challenging, but I made it! Do you have any suggestions for what I should do to improve for next year?  —C, Virginia Congratulations for completing your first year! A good way…

  • An ECSTEM conference experience

    Blog Post |

    An early childhood education conference is an opportunity to meet others who share a passion for improving our science teaching practice, meet our education mentors and gain new insights into why certain educational…

  • Building on prior experience

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    This month I was able to spend unstructured time with a 2.5 year old and her family. In my position as an observer, not teacher, care-giver or parent, I could enjoy only observing—observing without a purpose outside my…

  • More authentic experiences

    Blog Post |

    It’s a challenge for science teachers to design activities and investigations that fit into the time periods we have. But science research and investigation doesn’t always fit neatly into 45- or 60- or even 90-minute…

  • Authentic experiences in microscopy

    Blog Post |

    OK—you’ve seen the adventures that students have to explore living things, but you don’t have the funds for a field trip and your school is not close to a park or other greenspace.  What to do?? Or, you’d like…

  • Selecting an inquiry experience

    Blog Post |

    Click here for the Table of Contents Teachers often use words interchangeably when referring to science activities: labs, investigations, experiments, projects, inquiry. In this year’s Science and Children, the…

  • Always a learning experience

    Blog Post |

    Unfortunately, with hundreds of sessions at a conference this size, not all are going to be terrific. I was at a clunker this morning. The presenter (who shall remain nameless) was not very prepared and really didn…

  • Community Lab Partners: Working with local universities and industry leaders allows students to make the most of laboratory experiences

    Journal Article |

    With the trend toward integrated science, teachers often need advice and practical help to implement labs in different science topics. In this article these problems are addressed by creating a partnership among a state…

  • Research and Teaching: Where do Ideas for Students Come From? Applying Constructivism and Textbook Problems in the Laboratory Experience

    Journal Article |

    When students are regimented by lab manuals that dictate what to think, how to think, and when to think, lab activities essentially lose impact for learning. A constructivist approach (as opposed to the constructivist…

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