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  • Gravity Racers

    Journal Article |

    With the 2010 Winter Olympic Games prominent in the media, children were exposed to images of athletes skiing down snow-covered slopes, coasting furiously on bobsleds, and skating gracefully across the ice. Therefore,…

  • Science 101: What Is Gravity?

    Journal Article |

    We all know lots of sayings about gravity. "What goes up must come down." "You fail to understand the gravity of the situation." Gravity is the name we give to the phenomenon that any two masses, like you and the earth…

  • Gravity Can Do What?

    Journal Article |

    Engineering a gravity-powered electrical generator.

  • Scope on the Skies: GRACE, GRAIL, and Gravity

    Journal Article |

    This column focuses on astronomy throughout the year. This month’s issue discusses two NASA missions that were launched to get a better understanding of what lies beneath the surface of the Moon and the Earth. The…

  • Teaching Through Trade Books: Gravity and Weight

    Journal Article |

    This column includes activities inspired by children’s literature. This month’s issue explores the concept of gravity through several activities and readings.

  • Classic Lessons 2.0: Explaining Patterns in Our Solar System and the Role of Gravity in Space

    Journal Article |

    This column shares updated perennial classroom favorites. This is the last of three articles written to highlight pedagogical approaches consistent with the Next Generation Science Standards for supporting students’…

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