Science Sampler: To heat or not to heat
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As part of a lesson on heat transfer, middle school students design their own investigation of conduction, insulation, and convection.
Beat the Heat! An Investigation Into Heat Transfer, Cooling Capacities, and Dilution
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Explore claims that cold rocks can effectively chill a beverage without diluting it.
Science Sampler: Feel the heat
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This article features a simple game that can help students understand the nature of heat transfer through conduction.
The Prepared Practitioner: Understanding Heat and Temperature
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Since this issue of The Science Teacher has a polar theme, the author thought this would be a particularly appropriate time to examine research about students’ preconceived ideas about heat—or the lack thereof. Heat and…
Disequilibrium: How Heat Affects the Density of Water
Journal Article |
This column shows how to use discrepant events to confront misconceptions. This month’s discrepant event illustrates what happens when a container filled with warmer, less dense water is placed on top of a container…
Scope on Safety: Turning Up the Heat on Safety
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This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses safety rules when using hot plates.
Scope on Safety: Turn up the heat--Safely!
Journal Article |
Is burning down your middle school science laboratory one of your biggest concerns due to the heat sources used to conduct experiments? No need to worry--your fears can be extinguished once and for all by following the…