Analyzing DNA in a High School Laboratory: Students study the genetics of sage grouse
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Students learn a variety of scientific concepts while studying the genetics of sage grouse. In this project students learn that good science relies on carefully collected data and logical interpretation of that data.…
What Students Think: College students describe their high school chemistry class
Journal Article |
A college chemistry professor teaching first-year students was curious whether there was a link between student attitudes about chemistry and experiences they had in their high school chemistry classes. The survey…
Radioactivity, Grade 11: STEM Road Map for High School (e-book)
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What if you could challenge your 11th graders to figure out the best response to a partial meltdown at a nuclear reactor in fictional Gammatown, USA? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can!br>…
Inquiry by Design: Creating a national and state standards-based high school science program
Journal Article |
In this article, the science coordinator examines the science program and wanders if it makes sense for student learning and if it could be adapted to meet state standards. The query was taken to the department and an…
Guest Editorial: The More High-Tech Our Schools Become, the More They Need Nature
Journal Article |
An opinion piece about educational technology.
Unexpected Outcomes: Impacting Higher Education Teaching Practice via High School Outreach
Journal Article |
This article describes a four-year project directed by the American Society of Human Genetics from 2007 to 2010 and funded by the National Science Foundation established a network of 70 geneticist-teacher partnerships,…