Integrating Engineering Design in Undergraduate Biology Using a Life Science Design Task
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This study examines the initial integration of engineering design in an introductory preservice elementary biology content course using a life science design task focused on composting. The task, informed by a three-…
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In this article, the authors describe how classroom observations were used to characterize differences in instructional practices among undergraduate science courses. Student and faculty behaviors and dialogues were…
Design and Impact of an Undergraduate Civic Science Course
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An interdisciplinary group of faculty members from Tufts University developed an undergraduate civic science course designed to help students better understand and interpret the broad, sociocultural impacts of science…
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Understanding of evolution is foundational to be a scientifically literate citizen because it allows analysis of socioscientific issues, such as biodiversity conservation, biotechnology applications, and human-induced…
The Need for Resources and Professional Learning in Science Education
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Integrating the Five Practices and Model-Based Inquiry to Facilitate Meaningful Science Discourse
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Making Science Come Alive With Clouds
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Hardware, software, and websites for use in the classroom
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NSTA works with other science teaching and educational groups around the country to further the goals of science education. (See also NSTA State Chapters and Associated Groups.)Association for Multicultural Science…
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Join 40,000 dedicated teachers, science supervisors, administrators, informal educators, scientists, and business and industry representatives committed to science education.
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If you are a member of NSTA and are interested in serving on one of these advisory boards or panels, please complete the online application form. Click on the name of an advisory board or panel for its official charge…
Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021
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Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021 July/August 2021Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force PatternsK-23-5Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music!Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources Using Toys to Create a Global ConnectionUsing Toys…
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Digging Deeper Into Virtual Learning
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