Interdisciplinary Lessons on Energy and Entropy
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This article presents ideas and narratives of an experiment on the concept of energy developed for an honors seminar on energy and a mechanics course. We argue that energy is an idea best taught in an interdisciplinary…
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Environmental Health Scientist Casey Bartrem
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Environmental health scientists study how environmental toxins impact human health, and work to mitigate such risks. They may be employed by government agencies, universities, or private companies, and…
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Safer Engineering Instruction in K–12 Labs and Makerspaces: Results From a 2020 National Study
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Enhancing Environmental Identity: The Ocean Guardian Project
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Critical thinking skills are sought after in the workforce and are often included in course, departmental, and programmatic learning objectives. However, in the curriculum of many courses we tend to focus on…
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The COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors to suddenly pivot from in-person to remote teaching and students to rapidly adapt their learning strategies. During this emergency instruction period, 21 semistructured, one-on-…
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Using Formative Assessment Probes With Real or Virtual Field Trips
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The Role of Question-Asking in Mentoring Undergraduate Research
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Undergraduate research is a high-impact educational practice for which effective mentoring has been identified as a key factor in determining its success. Some researchers have argued that effective mentors help…
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This article looks at the effects of environmental factors such as classification, residence location, and employment status of Hispanic students who unsuccessfully completed first-semester general chemistry (Chem I) at…