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  • Model-Based Inquiry in Biology: Three-Dimensional Instructional Units for Grades 9-12

    NSTA Press Book |

    This book is your chance to shift the emphasis of your high school biology curriculum away from “we need to learn about this topic in order to do well in class” to “we need to figure out why or how things happen in the…

  • Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics, Volume 2

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    Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics, Volume 2 NSTA and ADI have agreed to discontinue our publishing arrangement. Online Extra resources will not be available from NSTA after 12/31/2023. Please contact for more information.

  • Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology

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    Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology NSTA and ADI have agreed to discontinue our publishing arrangement. Online Extra resources will not be available from NSTA after 12/31/2023. Please contact for more information.

  • Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Chemistry

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    Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Chemistry NSTA and ADI have agreed to discontinue our publishing arrangement. Online Extra resources will not be available from NSTA after 12/31/2023. Please contact for more information.

  • Windows on the Inquiry Classroom

    Journal Article |

    A complete video and documentary record of an inquiry-based nonscience majors’ course has been captured (the “Fire and Ice” Collection). Every moment of 27 class sessions may be observed from several points of view (…

  • Launching Inquiry Into Motion

    Journal Article |

  • Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Fifth-Grade Science

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    Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Fifth-Grade Science NSTA and ADI have agreed to discontinue our publishing arrangement. Online Extra resources will not be available from NSTA after 12/31/2023. Please contact for more information.

  • Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Fourth-Grade Science

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    Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Fourth-Grade Science NSTA and ADI have agreed to discontinue our publishing arrangement. Online Extra resources will not be available from NSTA after 12/31/2023. Please contact for more information.

  • Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Third-Grade Science

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    Online Extras: Argument-Driven Inquiry in Third-Grade Science NSTA and ADI have agreed to discontinue our publishing arrangement. Online Extra resources will not be available from NSTA after 12/31/2023. Please contact for more information.

  • Student Inquiry and Research: Developing Students’ Authentic Inquiry Skills

    Book Chapter |

    In the 2005 NSTA monograph Exemplary Science in Grades 9–12: Standards-Based Success Stories, the authors present and discussed student inquiry at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) (Scheppler et al.…

  • Inquiry in the Earth Sciences

    Book Chapter |

    Inquiry experiences in the Earth sciences are often indirect, because direct experimentation, such as is used in the physical sciences, is typically not possible. To support inquiry in the Earth sciences it is important…

  • A Brief Introduction to Inquiry

    Book Chapter |

    When the term inquiry comes up in conversations about science curriculum reform and improvement, it usually is shorthand for inquiry-based learning and, by extension, inquiry-based instruction. But, what exactly is…

  • An Invitation to Full Inquiry

    Book Chapter |

    In the full inquiry experience in this chapter, students will put skills of inquiry together as they think like scientists and apply critical-thinking skills to evaluate new information that they collect themselves. In…

  • Teaching Science as Inquiry

    Book Chapter |

    The 2008 Robert H. Carleton Lecture provides the content for Chapter 4. The chapter centers on the themes of teaching science as inquiry. After a brief introduction to the history of inquiry in science education, the…

  • Writing Through Inquiry

    Book Chapter |

    The inquiry science process provides a perfect opportunity for students to practice relational meaning in language. As students design their experiments, negotiate their ideas with peers, and share their data and…

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