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  • Eight Ways to Do Inquiry

    Journal Article |

    This article provides a study of over 300 inquiry activities from a variety of curriculum resources and identified eight common strategies available to classroom teachers and other instructional planners.

  • The Early Years: Experiencing Inquiry

    Journal Article |

    This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This month’s issue shows how teachers can experience physical science inquiry with colleagues while investigating properties of…

  • Inquiry Into Action: Ecosystems and Animals

    Journal Article |

    Explore endangered animals that zoos and aquariums are working to protect.

  • An Inquiry Lesson on Stream Ecosystems

    Journal Article |

    Determine the ecosystem attributes of a stream by studying its biological and physical relationships.

  • The Early Years: Inquiry at Play

    Journal Article |

    Play and science inquiry are essential parts of early childhood programs. Imaginative play, unscripted yet guided by children’s own rules, allows students to use their imagination and develop self-regulation, symbolic…

  • Developing the Essential Features of Inquiry

    Journal Article |

    This lesson can be used at the beginning of the year to teach students how to conduct inquiries using the essential features described in Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards (NRC 1996). The lesson is…

  • Enquiry, the Science Teacher, and the Educator

    Journal Article |

    What our teachers need to teach is determined, first, by the first that our national need is a dual one. There is an urgent pressing need for an increasing number of fluid enquirers and original engineers. There is also…

  • Community-Based Inquiry Lessons

    Journal Article |

    The National Science Education Standards suggest that students work as real scientists in the classroom (NRC 1996; 2000). To accomplish this task, the authors developed community-based inquiry lessons (CBILs) that…

  • Guest Editorial: Pathways to Inquiry

    Journal Article |

    Inquiry-based science can be a powerful approach to learning scientific concepts and keeping wonder and curiosity alive in the classroom. As stated by Hubert Dyasi, Professor Emeritus, City College New York, “Inquiry…

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