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  • Coaching to Build Support for Inquiry-Based Teaching

    Journal Article |

    Coaching, as a means to support inquiry-based teaching, starts by changing the culture from within (school, teacher, and student) rather than from external mandates. Recognizing that teacher empowerment is the first…

  • PD Pathways: Have a Kids Inquiry Conference

    Journal Article |

    Encourage students to develop their own inquiry projects, carry them out using an inquiry-based model, and prepare for a public sharing event.

  • After the Bell: Museums as inquiry role models

    Journal Article |

    Informal science learning environments can provide students with the opportunities to engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate topics related to science.

  • Exploring Thermal Insulation: From Cookbook to Inquiry

    Journal Article |

    Learn to transform a cookbook lab exercise into a true inquiry experience.

  • Methods and Strategies: Think-Alouds in Inquiry Science

    Journal Article |

    As teachers, we know that learning through an inquiry approach is helpful for our students. However, not all students are accustomed to learning through inquiry. Some have never experienced an inquiry investigation in…

  • Inquiry: The Key to Exemplary Science (e-book)

    eBook |

    Science teachers aiming to foster inquiry in their classrooms will find the sixth title in the Exemplary Science monograph series, Inquiry: The Key to Exemplary Science full of helpful advice and new techniques. …

  • Science as Inquiry in the Secondary Setting (e-book)

    eBook |

    It can be a tough thing to admit: Despite hearing so much about the importance of inquiry-based science education, you may not be exactly sure what it is—not to mention how to do it. But now this engaging new book takes…

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