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  • Inquiry-Based Labs: The Scientific Report

    Book Chapter |

    In this chapter, the author teaches a General Biology I course with five inquiry-based laboratories. Although it is an introductory biology course for both majors and nonmajors, students are very engaged in the…

  • An Outcomes-Oriented Approach to Implementing Inquiry

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter provides a short overview of the process of curricular planning with special emphasis on inquiry-based instruction. It outlines a validated method that curriculum designers and coordinators can use to…

  • Getting Started With Inquiry: Six Invitations

    Book Chapter |

    Student participation in inquiry serves two objectives—first, students discover that science is something more than merely learning what others already know—and second, students develop skills in interpreting data and…

  • Authentic And Relevant Literacy Experiences In Inquiry

    Book Chapter |

    In this chapter, the authors explain the layout of the units in the book. The authors integrated inquiry and literacy in learning cycle units in authentic and relevant ways. Through these units students have…

  • Assessment in Support of Contextually Authentic Inquiry

    Book Chapter |

    If research into the assessment of science learning is going to make a difference for teachers, it must be applicable to the realities of K—12 classrooms. This research study conducted in urban elementary schools…

  • Inquiry-Based Science as a Context for Communication

    Book Chapter |

    In this chapter, ways are examined in which you can make use of science inquiry lessons to support the development of the multimodal language of science. We focus on science as a context for language learning and…

  • Using Popular Fiction to Inspire Scientific Inquiry

    Journal Article |

    Many teacher educator preparation programs do not provide opportunities for preservice teachers (PSTs) to experience and examine the use of popular fiction as a connection point to science teaching. This study explores…

  • More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K-4

    NSTA Press Book |

    Teachers raved when NSTA Press published Picture-Perfect Science Lessons .* They loved its lively mix of kid-magnet books, Standards-based science content and ready-to-teach lessons. So what could be more perfect?…

  • Model-Based Inquiry in Biology Three-Dimensional Instructional Units for Grades 9-12 Online Extras

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    Model-Based Inquiry in Biology Three-Dimensional Instructional Units for Grades 9-12 Online Extras If you have purchased Model-Based Inquiry in Biology Three-Dimensional Instructional Units for Grades 9-12, you can view the accompanying additional resources online. These resources are for your personal use only and are…

  • Scientific Inquiry, Student Learning, and the Science Curriculum

    Book Chapter |

    What we know about student learning establishes links between scientific inquiry and the science curriculum. In this chapter, the author discusses scientific inquiry and the current learning research. He then proposes…

  • Inquiry-Based Science Instruction for Students with Disabilities

    Book Chapter |

    Students with disabilities often are struggling readers who cannot successfully access and use print information. As a result, they usually experience difficulties with traditional science instruction, which typically…

  • The Link Between Science, Inquiry, and Language Literacy

    Book Chapter |

    There is currently a strong effort to combine science and literacy, because a growing body of research stresses the importance of language in learning science. Discussion, argumentation, discourse of all kinds, group…

  • The Link Between Science, Inquiry, and Language Literacy

    Book Chapter |

    There is currently a strong effort to combine science and literacy, because a growing body of research stresses the importance of language in learning science. Discussion, argumentation, discourse of all kinds, group…

  • How to Select Programs for Your Inquiry Classroom

    Book Chapter |

    Besides teachers and students, the most consistent presence in school science is the instructional materials. BSCS, in collaboration with the K-12 Alliance of WestEd, developed a process and set of tools to help teams…

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