Instant Inquiry with iPad and Hand Dryer
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Have you ever wondered how fast the air comes out of those newly designed hand dryers? Or perhaps how loud in decibels the fan is. The iPad is a great device for answering this and many other questions on the fly. …
The place of inquiry in the reform of science education
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The National Science Education Standards use the word “inquiry” in two ways. It was to be a form of content while also being a way science must be taught. Some argue that the term inquiry needs to have “scientific” in…
Assessments for the Science Process Skills of Inquiry
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Just how well do your young students handle the basic skills of inquiry, from observing and measuring to making models and interpreting data? Assessment for the Science Process Skills of Inquiry gives you ready-to-use…
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NSTA Position Statements Aerospace Education Animals: Responsible Use of Live Animals and Dissection in the Science Classroom (under revision) Assessment (under development) Climate Science, The Teaching of (new) Digital Technologies (under development) Early Childhood…
Transitioning from Scientific Inquiry to Three-Dimensional Teaching and Learning
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Changes in How We See Scientific Inquiry
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Ask 20 teachers what scientific inquiry is and it’s possible you’ll receive 20 different answers. From a series of proscribed steps to a lab-based free-for-all, conceptions have shifted over time. In the National…
Switching from cookbook labs to full inquiry
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Click here for the Table of Contents When I was in my undergrad science methods class, we learned about the value of inquiry in science. That was many years ago, and yet we’re still talking about the value of…
Inquiry resources for early childhood teachers of science
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Does your (or your child’s) early childhood program include science inquiry experiences? Here are a few resources to get started, or to expand on, your understanding of science inquiry. These resources are on my…