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  • Inquiry Teaching and Learning

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  • Inquiry Instruction Guide

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    This collection includes methods and strategies for teaching elementary science through inquiry.

  • Inquiring about Inquiry

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    How beneficial and effective can inquiry-based learning be at the younger elementary school grades (K-2)? What are some ideas for incorporating this type of learning at this level? —K., Wyoming I would argue the…

  • From cookbook to inquiry

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    The cookbook metaphor is often used to describe confirmatory labs. Much like cooks in a diner or fast-food establishment, students follow a standardized procedure (recipe) to get predictable results. But I suspect…

  • From cookbook to inquiry

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    At an NSTA conference this year, I got really charged up about using more inquiry with my students. But when I look at our curriculum, it’s full of traditional “cookbook” labs that we are required to do. How can I make…

  • Assessing inquiry learning

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    Table of Contents This is the latest issue in a well-designed and informative series on inquiry learning. I would encourage secondary teachers to read these issues of Science and Children, especially if you’re new…

  • Child-initiated inquiry

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    Here’s a question for you, to help me understand the way science activities and science inquiry are developed in early childhood classrooms. It relates to the topic of the March 2011 issue of  Science and…

  • Selecting an inquiry experience

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    Click here for the Table of Contents Teachers often use words interchangeably when referring to science activities: labs, investigations, experiments, projects, inquiry. In this year’s Science and Children, the…

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