Inquiry and Scientific Explanations: Helping Students Use Evidence and Reasoning
Book Chapter |
This chapter describes the importance of scientific explanation in inquiry, common difficulties students have in justifying their claims, and a suggested instructional approach for supporting students in writing…
On the Role and Impact of Formative Assessment on Science Inquiry Teaching and Learning
Book Chapter |
In this chapter, the authors begin by describing what they mean by formative assessment and outline the potential and challenges of trying to implement and study this promising technique for scientific inquiry teaching…
Teaching Science as Inquiry and Developing 21st-Century Skills
Book Chapter |
Contemporary national aspirations also include maintaining economic competitiveness. The economic theme is a relatively short-term goal, and for science education it implies preparation of a 21st-century workforce. For…
An Overview of the Nature of Scientific Inquiry: Beginner Scientists and Experienced Scientists
Book Chapter |
This chapter presents a project on puddles and understanding more about evaporation and the way nature behaves. Over the years, scientists have learned a lot and have made important contributions on how the rate of…
An Overview of the Nature of Scientific Inquiry: What Do Scientists Do?
Book Chapter |
This chapter explores the question, “What do scientists do?” A good way to find out what scientists do is to try being a scientist. The chapter presents a challenge to students with an exercise on falling objects. It…
Traveling the Inquiry Continuum: Learning Through Teacher Action Research
Book Chapter |
This chapter addresses the More Emphasis on Teaching and the Content and Inquiry Standards from the National Science Education Standards (NSES). Using the knowledge gained through the Community of Excellence in…
Guided by the Standards: Inquiry and Assessment in Two Rural and Urban Schools
Book Chapter |
This chapter features the environment in which the authors—Teresa and Steve—work. Both are at schools near the border of Mexico, and while both have a student body of predominantly Hispanic, one is a rural school and…
Science as Inquiry at Sir Winston Churchill Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Book Chapter |
As a department, the science teachers at Sir Winston Churchill Collegiate and Vocational Institute share a common commitment to the ideals of teaching of science as inquiry. As individuals, they also have the…
Erasing Lecture-Laboratory Boundaries: An Inquiry-Based Course Design
Book Chapter |
The University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI) is one of seven autonomous campuses within the University of Maine System. UMPI combines liberal arts and selected professional programs for 1,400 undergraduates and also…
Students as Scientists: Guidelines for Teaching Science Through Disciplinary Inquiry
Book Chapter |
Teaching Science as Inquiry (TSI) provides a foundation for engaging both teachers and students in disciplinary inquiry. This chapter describes a framework of teaching and learning developed to help overcome the…
Designing Lessons: Inquiry Approach to Science Using the SIOP Model
Book Chapter |
Using the Sheltered Instructional Operation Protocol (SIOP) Model, the authors in this chapter discuss science inquiry, the SIOP Model, and how to blend the two for good science instruction. They finish the chapter with…
Conducting authentic moth research with students to encourage scientific inquiry.
Journal Article |
Studying moths is an excellent way to include students in science practices by introducing them to a ubiquitous but under-appreciated animal group that can be found in their local places, including urban, suburban,…
Reworking the Recipe: Adding Inquiry and Reflection to College Science Labs
Journal Article |
Cookbook-style laboratories (labs), where students follow recipes and confirm known results are common, yet years of science teaching and learning research indicate they do not help college students develop the habits…
What Is Inquiry? A Framework
for Thinking About Authentic
Scientific Practice in the Classroom
Book Chapter |
In this chapter, a framework is suggested for organizing teacher thinking about inquiry and prioritizing the wide assortment of activities teachers typically use to familiarize their students with the processes of…
Creating Coherent Inquiry Projects to Support Students Cognition and Collaboration in Physics.
Book Chapter |
This chapter presents an inquiry template that involves three phases: (1) students observe and reflect on phenomena and make predictions about underlying mechanisms, (2) students gather data to investigate these…