Q and A With Jim Short on Instructional Materials
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Why do instructional materials for science need to change? The vision of A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (Framework; NRC 2012)—embraced in the Next Generation…
All Instructional Materials resources
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Inclusion of Native Culture During Science Instruction
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Integrating Computational Modeling Into Science Instruction With English Learners
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Small Instructional Changes to Emphasize Data Modeling Practices
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Data modeling practices are often invisible to students in introductory biology courses. However, developing a well-rounded understanding of these practices is critical for scientific literacy. Furthermore, introductory…
Web Seminar |
High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) designed for next generation science can make a difference in the quality of equitable science teaching and learning throughout the educational system and for all learners (i.…
Choosing Instructional Materials: Lessons Learned
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Throughout my career as an educator, I’ve had many opportunities to select instructional materials. One experience is particularly memorable because I learned then that how you select instructional materials can be as…
Collaborating on a Vision for NGSS Instructional Materials
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Recently, state science teachers associations in four states that had adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)—California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington—worked together to address the critical role that…
Socio-scientific Issues Instruction
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Instructional Scaffolding to Engage All Learners in Complex Science Text
Journal Article |
Teacher Responsiveness as a Core Feature of Justice- and Equity-Centered Instruction
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Future Approaches to Instructional Materials in STEM Education
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Journal Article |
Physical and life science disciplines emphasize how basic structural units influence function, yet it is challenging for students to understand structure-function relationships, particularly at molecular scales.…
Identifying and Implementing Instructional Materials in Middle School
Blog Post |
Identifying and implementing science instructional materials that equitably engage students in active learning of science concepts, practices, sensemaking, problem-solving, and decision-making can be overwhelming for…