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  • Best STEM Books K–12

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    Best STEM Books K–12 Reading science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) trade books is the perfect way for students to develop literacy skills while learning STEM content. Building upon a strong legacy of several decades of recommending outstanding science trade books, the National Science Teachers Association (…

  • NSTA Press® Sample Chapters

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    NSTA Press® Sample Chapters Looking for Science Activities? NSTA Press publishes science activities for teachers of kindergarten through college on a wide range of topics. We've posted sample chapters and activities from our books for free download so you can look inside. Be sure to search our online bookstore for…

  • Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Use of Speaking, Listening, and Writing Skills to Understand the Importance of Nature of Science Instruction

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    There has been a focus on improving teachers’ views of nature of science for decades. The method in which researchers improve views of nature of science, however, varies greatly. This study aimed to improve elementary…

  • Alliance of Affiliates

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    NSTA works with other science teaching and educational groups around the country to further the goals of science education. (See also NSTA State Chapters and Associated Groups.)Association for Multicultural Science…

  • Advertising in Journal of College Science Teaching

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    The Journal of College Science Teaching (JCST) is a highly readable, scholarly publication that reaches college professionals who are educating the next generation of elementary, middle school, and high school science…

  • Call for Papers: Science and Children

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    Call for Papers: Science and Children Your 2000-word manuscript should describe a set of connected lessons or investigations that build an idea or content area. They should include assessments (pre-, post- and formative) as well as enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lessons in the…

  • Online Connections: The Science Teacher

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    Online Connections: The Science Teacher November/December 2020 The Aurora Borealis Student Worksheet Solar wind velocity data and answer key Solar storm answer key Connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards The Lives of Staph (Idea Bank) Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C…

  • Sustainability, Energy, and the Green Economy

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    Interdisciplinary education offers a collaborative approach to multifaceted topics, such as environmental sustainability. In this article, we present the conceptual framework and lessons learned from a team-taught…

  • Good Writing is All About Momentum

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  • A Process of Pedagogical Change in College Science Education

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    This article aims to explore the experiences of science instructors who are active participants in the design and enactment of an interdisciplinary science course with student-centered pedagogy in a large-enrollment…

  • Perceptions of Teaching and Learning of STEM Revealed in University Academics’ Drawings

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    As part of a larger study investigating the perceptions of university academics about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); STEM learning environments; and necessary capabilities for STEM educators…

  • New Community Creation Through a Shared Biology-Chemistry-Communication Laboratory Model for First-Year STEM Majors

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    This article explores results from a 3-year model of laboratory instruction, Project Synapse, that synthesized biology, chemistry, and communication curricula for first-year science majors at a STEM-focused university.…

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