Online science educator Julia Brodsky
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Windows on the Inquiry Classroom
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A complete video and documentary record of an inquiry-based nonscience majors’ course has been captured (the “Fire and Ice” Collection). Every moment of 27 class sessions may be observed from several points of view (…
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The COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors to suddenly pivot from in-person to remote teaching and students to rapidly adapt their learning strategies. During this emergency instruction period, 21 semistructured, one-on-…
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Female students, students of color, first-generation students, and low-income students face considerable barriers in access to STEM education, leading to their underrepresentation in STEM fields. Ensuring that these…
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Onward: Pixar's Tribute to Dungeons and Dragons
Reports Article |
Science and Math online resources for teaching young children
Blog Post |
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We carried out a study of an instructional model that integrates flipped classroom with active learning, in-class activities into our biology course, using a mixed methods research design. According to the survey (n =…