Inviting Engineering Into the Science Lab
Journal Article |
Two guided-inquiry lessons display the integration of NGSS engineering practices into traditional elementary labs.
Scope on Safety: Detoxing the Lab
Journal Article |
This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses how to reduce the risk when working with toxic substances.
Technology in the Lab: Part One
Journal Article |
The development of probeware--electronic sensors connected to a desktop computer, calculator, or handheld computer, together with supporting software--has revolutionized the conduct of science laboratory instruction and…
Encouraging Creativity in the Science Lab
Journal Article |
Although science is a creative endeavor (NRC 1996, p. 46), many students think they are not encouraged—or even allowed—to be creative in the laboratory. When students think there is only one correct way to do a lab,…
The Egg: In the Lab and Across Cultures
Journal Article |
Eggs can be an inexpensive way to illustrate scientific concepts and promote understanding of other cultures. This series of demonstrations address the science and cross-cultural significance of eggs.