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This column shares how teachers use technology for assessment, student learning, or classroom management. This article describes a student-driven approach to learning and communicating about climate change, in which…
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Use driving questions and anchoring phenomena to capture students’ curiosity.
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Deliberative democracy, a consensus model of decision making, has been used in real-life policy making involving controversial, science-related issues to increase citizen participation and engagement. Here, we describe…
Guest Editorial: The Next Generation Science Standards: Where Are We Now and What Have We Learned?
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Review 10 important lessons learned since the release of the NGSS nearly two years ago.
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This article discusses incorporating active learning techniques and how it relates to independent learning and instructor-directed classroom activities.
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This article outlines the development of interdisciplinary graduate teaching assistant learning communities and findings from the various forms of evaluation.
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Examine a variety of aerodynamic factors that affect the distance traveled by a projectile.
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What would happen if a person went into space without a spacesuit? Before learning the answer students must first understand the forces—gravity and atmospheric pressure. This article describes various demonstrations…
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The field of environmental communication focuses on how multidisciplinary science, natural resource management, and environmental policy are communicated to different audiences. This activity uses the "jigsaw" approach…