eBook |
There’s a lot to love about this newly expanded book in the Picture-Perfect Science series: You can combine STEM and reading through lively lessons that are just right for your kindergarten students. Also, reading-…
Blog Post |
My fourth-grade students like doing hands-on science activities. How can I get them to focus on the activity rather than socializing? —C., West Virginia You want students to enjoy the activity and talk with each other,…
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My first year of teaching biology was challenging, but I made it! Do you have any suggestions for what I should do to improve for next year? —C, Virginia Congratulations for completing your first year! A good way…
Organizing students for learning
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I’m thinking ahead to how I will organize my classroom next year. Could you share some thoughts or resources? For example, should I let students choose where they sit each day or have a seating chart? Should I keep the…
The classroom as learning center
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Last year (my first year teaching) I floated among several classrooms. A few days before the beginning of this year, I learned that I have my own biology lab! I didn’t have much time, so I just put up a few posters. Now…
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Asking questions When my district sent teachers to conferences, we were expected to submit a list of sessions we attended. NSTA has a great transcript feature for this documentation, producing a professional-looking…
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Table of Contents This is the latest issue in a well-designed and informative series on inquiry learning. I would encourage secondary teachers to read these issues of Science and Children, especially if you’re new…
The limits of molecular learning
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As the evening wore down and the hour hand moved north of the seven, my sixth grade daughter informed me she had a big science test the next day and needed help studying. She admitted confusion about some of the…
Cooperative learning in the lab
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I teach fourth and fifth graders in our school’s “Discovery Lab.” With over 700 students I am constantly brainstorming procedures to help the lab run smoother. One thing that I want to try is to assign student roles for…
SciLinks and cooperative learning
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Earlier this month, I was asked to search for and upload resources on cooperative learning for SciLinks (use the keyword “community collaborations”). There were many good sites, although some were published…