Journal Article |
During the semester, the author found that students became more and more comfortable with the use of "Post-it Notes”—they became a tool much as their pens and pencils were tools. Some students would make Post-it Note…
Journal Article |
With today's technological advances, distance education has progressed significantly from the old-fashioned correspondence course to encompass a smorgasbord of electronic communications options. This article features…
Journal Article |
This paper demonstrates how a course in molecular genetics can use problem-based activities and cooperative group strategies to support students learning the necessary skills for critical thinking, The course format can…
Web Seminar |
High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) designed for next generation science can make a difference in the quality of equitable science teaching and learning throughout the educational system and for all learners (i.…
Journal Article |
This column shares reflections or thoughtful opinions on issues of broad interest to the community. In this month’s issue find out what the author faced while expressing interest in some summer part-time work to apply…
Choosing Instructional Materials: Lessons Learned
Blog Post |
Throughout my career as an educator, I’ve had many opportunities to select instructional materials. One experience is particularly memorable because I learned then that how you select instructional materials can be as…
Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning
Blog Post |
Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning by Jeff Weld offers insight for educators, policy makers, and business leaders about why STEM education matters and where it’s headed next. This new NSTA Press book…
Intersection and integration of play and science learning
Blog Post |
I was at a conference proudly wearing my tee shirt that says “Play” when I was given a chance to reflect on what I meant by an esteemed colleague and mentor who asked, “Ah yes, but what kind of play?” My reflection…
Learning about the landscape around you
Blog Post |
Flying across the country to the conference for the National Association for the Education of Young Children brought many different landscapes into view through the plane window. I saw ridges, meandering rivers…
Solar Panels Enhance STEM Learning
Blog Post |
Columbia Water and Light presented a solar energy demonstration to students at Benton STEM Elementary School in Columbia, Missouri. Photo Courtesy of Heather McCullar Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)…
Learn to engage students in scientific argumentation
Blog Post |
A gallery walk gives students an opportunity to discuss claims and evidence In his popular workshops at last week’s NSTA conference in Orlando, Victor Sampson presented tips and strategies for engaging students in…