Brain-Powered Science: Teaching and Learning With Discrepant Events
NSTA Press Book |
• How can a long metal needle pass through a balloon without popping it? • How can water flow at very different rates through two identical funnels? • How can a stick, placed on a table under several sheets…
Learning Through Assessment: Assessment for Learning in the Science Classroom
Book Chapter |
This chapter presents an extended example from a middle school science classroom of what assessment that supports learning looks like. In the example, the teacher models assessment for learning by talking about learning…
Online Extra: Learning and Teaching Scientific Inquiry
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Online Extra: Learning and Teaching Scientific Inquiry If you have purchased Learning and Teaching Scientific Inquiry, you can view the accompanying Solutions Manual online. This resource is for your personal use only and is not to be redistributed. To view the online extra, please type in the second word in the body…
Online Extras: Science Learning in the Early Years
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Online Extras: Science Learning in the Early Years If you have purchased Science Learning in the Early Years, you can view the accompanying collection of blog posts. This resources is for your personal use only and is not to be redistributed. To view the online extras, please type in the second word in the body text on…
Online Extras: Learning to Read the Earth and Sky
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Online Extras: Learning to Read the Earth and Sky If you have purchased Learning to Read the Earth and Sky, you can view the accompanying printable tables and figures and additional materials online. These resources are for your personal use only and are not to be redistributed. To view the online extras, please type in…
Professional Learning Units and Courses Social Justice
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Professional Learning Units and Courses Social Justice
Journal Article |
Active learning classrooms (ALCs) are designed to support collaborative learning in large class sections that are often taught with a lecture format. Studies on ALCs indicate that they have positive influences on…
Journal Article |
We propose cross-disciplinary learning as a construct that can guide instruction and assessment in programs that feature sequential learning across multiple science disciplines. Cross-disciplinary learning combines…
Learning the Language of Scientists
Journal Article |
Journal Article |
Journal Article |
Teaching Learning Collaborative: A Process for Supporting Professional Learning Communities
Book Chapter |
The teaching learning collaborative (TLC) is a unique professional development strategy that engages groups of teachers in collaborative planning and teaching of a science lesson, coaching and mentoring, and examining…
Journal Article |
More than 8 out of every 10 college students are not STEM majors, yet we have little understanding about learning expectations for them. We used the results of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute BioInteractive learning…