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  • FORUM for Case Study Learning

    Journal Article |

    Journal articles are the fundamental building blocks of the edifice of science. Students learn the necessary skills and confidence to read primary research literature by working in groups in a computer conference. This…

  • Learning Genetics with Paper Pets

    Journal Article |

    By the end of the eighth grade, students are expected to have a basic understanding of the mechanisms of basic genetic inheritance (NRC 1996). However, these concepts can be difficult to teach. To make these concepts…

  • Outside Learning: It’s Elementary

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    Through a partnership with elementary teachers at Main Elementary School in Rome, Georgia, 42 children (one third-grade class and one fourth-grade class) learned how to use newspapers to rebuild slopes on their…

  • The Learning Cycle and Instructional Conversations

    Journal Article |

    Engaging students in instructional conversations creates opportunities for discovering and internalizing the critical attributes of a concept. In this article, the authors will identify questioning practices for the…

  • Universal Design in Science Learning

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    Universal design provides a framework for science educators to ensure that teaching and learning opportunities are not only standards-based, but inherently flexible, accessible, and usable to accommodate learner…

  • The Early Years: Learning Measurement

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    The world is filled with references to measurements that limit children's activities. It's no wonder children strive to be"big" when they often hear adults remarking, "That's too big a piece of cake for you," or "That'…

  • Powerful Learning Tools for ELLs

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    Using native language, familiar examples, and concept mapping to teach English language learners.

  • The Early Years: Learning by Nature

    Journal Article |

    This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This month’s issue discusses getting children comfortable with nature by facilitating positive outdoor experiences.

  • From “Bell Work” to Learning

    Journal Article |

    Making time for science is a genuine complaint among classroom teachers. As a former fifth-grade teacher and district curriculum coordinator, the author’s moment of truth came one morning while juggling classroom…

  • Commentary: Science and Service Learning

    Journal Article |

    An opinion piece about a successful service learning project in which students used research on plant types to bring a lively activity to local nursing home residents.

  • Tap Into Informal Science Learning

    Journal Article |

    As a new science teacher, you will no doubt encounter obstacles while preparing lessons and organizing activities. However, assistance in these areas is available from one source—informal science learning environments.…

  • Cooperative Learning in the Science Classroom

    Journal Article |

    To help high school science teachers make sense of the extensive cooperative learning research over the last two decades, this article summarizes the major ideas behind the cooperative learning teaching model, provides…

  • Teaching Teachers: STEPS into Learning

    Journal Article |

    Prospective elementary teachers explore the use of classroom technologies in a university setting. Bringing "real" elementary students to the science methods classes helped them see how technology can be used…

  • Learning from your Mistakes

    Journal Article |

    Using lamps directed at black, gray, and white cans to show the impact of color on heat absorption is a classic experiment, one that the author came to think of as a “sure thing.” So, imagine her surprise when this “…

  • Blending Language Learning With Science

    Journal Article |

    With purposeful planning, teachers can reach all students with the dual goals of language development and scientific inquiry.

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