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  • Incorporating Amphibian Malformation into Inquiry-Based Learning

    Journal Article |

    Since the first discovery of malformed frogs by an adventurous middle school teacher and her after-school science club in 1995, outreach programs like A Thousand Friends of Frogs (see Resources) have been created to…

  • Science Sampler: Birds make learning easy

    Journal Article |

    The Classroom Feeder Watch (CFW) curriculum published by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology can be the basis for an engaging classroom unit. Through this middle school curriculum, students observe bird feeders…

  • Editor's Note: Hard to Learn; Hard to Teach

    Journal Article |

    Science and Children’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue.

  • Developing Patterns for Learning in Science Through Reflection

    Journal Article |

    The process of the development of critical thinking and knowledge application requires more than rote memorization and the ability to get correct answers on lab reports or on a multiple-choice test. Purposeful, guided…

  • Learning Logs in the Science Classroom - The Literacy Advantage

    Journal Article |

    One of the most functional forms of writing to learn is two-column learning logs. Two-column learning logs are based on the premise that collecting information and processing information are two very different aspects…

  • Thinking, Teaching, and Learning Science Outside the Boxes

    Journal Article |

    In both universities and K–12 schools, students leave one world and enter another as they attend classes in discipline-specific domains. But how can students gain the experiences necessary to make discoveries—for…

  • Editor's Roundtable: Real testing, real learning

    Journal Article |

    This article features activities based on hands-on learning and alternative assessment. As science and technology become more important teachers need to make sure students are prepared for the future by understanding…

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