Sticking Together: A learning cycle investigation about water
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Science educators are consistently challenged to seek ways to help students make meaning of difficult and often abstract concepts. This learning cycle investigation was designed to serve this purpose on important…
How Can We Put Cooperative Learning Into Practice?
Journal Article |
Research suggests that if you want more students to learn more material, if you want students to feel more confident about themselves, and to be motivated to learn, if you want them to accept differences among students…
Research and Teaching: Student Attitudes and Recommendations on Active Learning
Journal Article |
A freshman student surveyed her peers seeking their opinions, attitudes, and recommendations regarding their experiences in a large, active-learning biology course. The results were mixed—disappointing in some respects…
Learning to Remember: Building memory cues into a geology lesson
Journal Article |
Current neuroscience and psychology research has tremendously affected what we know about how people learn. Recent insights into the brain’s natural tendencies can help educators align strategies and activities to…
Science Sampler: Creative projects stimulate classroom learning
Journal Article |
In a perfect world, what would a good classroom strategy look like? It would definitely include the use of projects. Classroom projects are original pieces of student work that may be in the form of art, writing, models…
Your Syllabus Should Set the Stage for Assessment for Learning
Journal Article |
In this article, the authors describe how a syllabus can be used to set the stage for effective use of assessment-for-learning principles. Nearly all college instructors use a syllabus, but this document typically…
Idea Bank: Lessons Learned From Test Writing
Journal Article |
It is a passion for students’ authentic engagement in science that influenced the author’s decision to heed the Utah State Office of Education’s (USOE) call for test writers at a professional workshop last summer. The…
After the Lab: Learning Begins When Cleanup Starts
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Having students design their own methods regarding data collection during a lab may help them formulate appropriate investigative procedures. The authors use a modified gallery walk to develop science skills.
Visualizing NeuroscienceL Learning about the Brain through Art
Journal Article |
Neuroscience is a subject that can motivate, excite, and stimulate the curiosity of everyone. However, the study of the brain is made difficult by an abundance of new vocabulary words and abstract concepts. The art…
Thought for Food: Students learn science with healthy eating
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This article features activities used in a schoolwide science unit on nutrition.
Web of Life Connections; Learning about the interdependence of life
Journal Article |
This article offers suggestions for helping students understand the interdependence of life through firsthand experiences, by focusing on something familiar—their family, and by playing "what if" games to open up an…
Research and Teaching: Learning, Reasoning, Motivation and Epistemological Beliefs
Journal Article |
This study explored college students' learning approaches, reasoning abilities, motivational goals, and beliefs abut the nature of science relative to science concept understanding and course achievement. The authors…