Classic Lessons 2.0: Project- and problem-based learning and assessment
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This article describes an activity that primarily focuses on project-based learning where students are actively engaged to solve the challenge of building a paper roller coaster that meets specific criteria (e.g., a…
Teacher to Teacher: Transitioning to Three-Dimensional Learning With Evidence Statements
Journal Article |
This column provides practical advice from your peers. Incorporating three-dimensional learning in the classroom requires teachers to change how they present lessons and assessments to students. This article shows…
From the Editor’s Desk: Engaging Students in Learning Through Assessment
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Science Scope’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue.
Tried and True: Problem-Based, Enhanced–Language Learning With Pendulums
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This column provides classic demonstrations and experiments with a new twist. This article describes a pendulum PBELL experience developed and implemented in university methods classes and an eighth-grade classroom in…
Learning Experiences of University Biology Faculty: A Qualitative Pilot Study
Journal Article |
The study described in this article incorporates qualitative research through in-depth, individual, structured interviews with 12 biology faculty from two Midwestern universities to explore perceptions about how they…
The Four Strands of Science Learning and the Next Generation Science Standards
Journal Article |
How you can create greater proficiency in your middle school classroom.