Learning About Genetic Inheritance Through Technology-Enhanced Instruction
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One approach that has shown potential for teaching genetics to middle school students is the use of technology-enhanced instruction, which may lead to increased visualizations. This article describes how a technology-…
University Facilities as Real-World Foci of Multidisciplinary Science Learning
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The authors sought to better approximate the practice of “real” science in our classrooms by having students study a newly built storm-water remediation wetland on campus. The wetland was meant to gather and clean storm…
Integrative Metabolism: An Interactive Learning Tool for Nutrition, Biochemistry, and Physiology
Journal Article |
Metabolism is a dynamic, simultaneous, and integrative science that cuts across nutrition, biochemistry, and physiology. Teaching this science can be a challenge. The use of a scenario-based, visually appealing,…
Disciplinary Core Ideas: Reshaping Teaching and Learning (e-book)
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Like all enthusiastic teachers, you want your students to see the connections between important science concepts so they can grasp how the world works now—and maybe even make it work better in the future. But how…
Crosscutting Concepts: Strengthening Science and Engineering Learning (e-book)
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Maybe you have a good grasp of disciplinary core ideas and science and engineering practices—critical parts of the Next Generation Science Standards—but you are looking for more resources about integrating crosscutting…
Web Seminar |
How can we ensure that students will be able to take what they know and can do to the next grade level and have the confidence to apply their learning to real-world situations at every age? Explore how sensemaking…
Journal Article |
At Clemson University, a study was conducted to establish relevance and significance of a new model to describe individual differences in learning patterns among students. Results showed significant differences between…
Student-Centered Learning in an Earth Science, Preservice, Teacher-Education Course
Journal Article |
In an effort to get elementary teachers to teach more science in the classroom, a required preservice science education course was designed to promote the use of hands-on teaching techniques. This paper describes course…
Fact or Fiction? Female students learn to critically evaluate science on the Internet
Journal Article |
To introduce students to computer technology, the authors used a web-based science project, “Tabloid Trash vs. Serious Science,” in several secondary science courses at Columbia School for Girls. Their intent was…
Assessing Science Learning: Perspectives From Research and Practice (e-book)
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This book contains many essays and multiple examples of meaningful science assessment practices they explore. The collations of essays reflect work with socioeconomically and ethnically diverse populations to better…
The Nature of Haiku: Students use haiku to learn about the natural world
Journal Article |
Haiku takes advantage of children’s curiosity and interest in nature. The open-ended nature of haiku writing is motivational and student centered. Also, the simplicity of haiku allows children to have successful writing…