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Large-enrollment undergraduate science courses are often seen as “gatekeepers” and tend to support less-than-ideal pedagogical approaches. Student satisfaction with teaching and learning and gains in student conceptual…
Helping Students Save: Assigning Textbooks Early Can Save Money and Enhance Learning
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Education costs, especially textbook prices, are outpacing inflation and becoming a serious financial burden for college students. Because student textbook use is linked to academic performance, making textbooks more…
The Next Generation Science Standards: Where Are We Now and What Have We Learned?
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Review 10 important lessons learned since the release of the NGSS nearly two years ago.
The Next Generation Science Standards: Where Are We Now and What Have We Learned?
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Review 10 important lessons learned since the release of the NGSS nearly two years ago.
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Journal writing was introduced as a means to assess student learning and acceptance of evolutionary science in a nonmajors’ biology course taught at a community college. Fourteen weeks of instruction were performed,…
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This article discusses the implementation of student-centered learning in introductory biology classses that is being facilitated by the use of faculty learning communities.
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The focus of this article is primarily on the success of a semester in which students were invited by the director of the campus library to specifically address, and make recommendations to mitigate, the carbon…
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An institution-wide focus on deep learning has made significant changes in the biology and physics core course curriculum at the U.S. Air Force Academy. The biology course director has reworked course objectives to…
Pangea Redux: Students learn about plate tectonics using Wilson Cycle models
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The authors suggest that a basic misconception exists about the cyclic nature of plate tectonic theory that inhibits teachers and students from fully appreciating just how dynamic Earth has been and will be over the…
Lecture-Free Teaching: A Learning Partnership Between Science Educators and Their Students (e-book)
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Lecture-Free Teaching: A Learning Partnership Between Science Educators and Their Students provides readers with an innovative alternative to routine lecturing. With the Lecture-Free Teaching method, teachers build “…
Professional Learning Communities for Science Teaching: Lessons From Research and Practice (e-book)
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What would it take to move your school or district closer toward a culture that supports and sustains professional learning communities (PLCs)? This thought-provoking collection of stories detailing seven…
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Exposing students to content outside of the classroom encourages them to take control of their learning. This article describes three methods for redesigning courses to create more class time for the development of…
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In a final class project, art and communications students taking science and mathematics courses at Chicago’s Columbia College and the Illinois Institute of Art produce a significant creative work using a media of their…