Journal Article |
Project-based learning (PBL) instructional methods attempt to make connections between students and their ability to solve real problems. We framed our qualitative study within sociocultural theory and used the…
Professional Learning Unit |
After exploring what sensemaking truly means, educators will be introduced to the four attributes of sensemaking (phenomena, science and engineering practices, student ideas and grade-appropriate disciplinary core ideas…
Evaluating Lessons for Sensemaking Using the NSTA Sensemaking Tool
Professional Learning Unit |
The NSTA Sensemaking Tool (adapted from the research-based NGSS Lesson Screener) is designed to help educators be critical consumers of curricular materials as well as create and/or revise science lessons to reflect the…
Analyzing and Interpreting Data to Support Student Sensemaking in a High School Evolution Unit
Professional Learning Unit |
This Professional Learning Unit uses a storyline unit with an anchoring phenomenon that is a case study in which the patient has acute mountain sickness at Everest base camp to focus participant learning on how the…
Online Connections: Journal of College Science Teaching
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Online Connections: Journal of College Science Teaching January/February 2021 Facilitating Conceptual Change by Engaging Students’ Preconceptions During College Science Classroom Instruction Supplemental tables Sustainability, Energy, and the Green Economy Appendixes and additional resources…
Using the Putting the Pieces Together Instructional Routine
Professional Learning Unit |
In this module, educators will be introduced to the four elements of the Putting the Pieces Together (PT2) Instructional Routine. In the Putting the Pieces Together Instructional Routine, students synthesize ideas they…
Using Storylines to Support Three-Dimensional Learning in Project-Based Science
Journal Article |
Professional Learning Unit |
NSTA partnered with Amazon Future Engineer and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on the Alexa for Astronauts program to create the Alexa for Astronauts: Using AI to Monitor Health NSTA Daily Do Playlist…
We have got a Problem to Solve! Now What?
Professional Learning Unit |
Science standards based on A Framework for K-12 Science Education require us to provide opportunities for students to learn “how science is utilized, in particular through the engineering design process, and they should…
Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials
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Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials LaConner High School – Todd Hinderman On behalf of LaConner High School and myself, we are truly grateful for the grant award money through the Shell Lab Science Challenge Regional competition. This award has allowed me to upgrade and purchase some very necessary and…
NSTA Statement on the Science Results of the 2019 National Assessment of Education Progress
Press Release |
Student-Centered Learning in an Earth Science, Preservice, Teacher-Education Course
Journal Article |
In an effort to get elementary teachers to teach more science in the classroom, a required preservice science education course was designed to promote the use of hands-on teaching techniques. This paper describes course…