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  • Shedding Light on the “Science of Small"

    Journal Article |

    Exploring nanoparticles and energy conversion.

  • Science 102: The Speed of Light

    Journal Article |

    This column shares exercises to challenge content knowledge. This month's issue presents a new challenge and answers the Falling Pennies challenge from last month.

  • The Poetry of Science: Light and Sound

    Journal Article |

    Building literacy in playful, meaningful ways. This month's issue discusses sound.

  • Shedding Light on Engineering Design

    Journal Article |

    Scientific inquiry leads to an engineering challenge and both are illuminated. The authors share their instructional approach and demonstrate how teachers can take small steps toward effectively incorporating…

  • Editorial: Bright Light in Encinitas

    Journal Article |

    The Journal of College Science Teaching’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue.

  • Lights, Camera, and the Action of Science

    Journal Article |

    In this day and age, students spend much of their time glued to their television sets. This is understandable as many of today’s programs are action packed and narrative in nature, and thus attractive to students. When…

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