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  • Science and literacy

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    Every teacher is a literacy teacher. Each discipline, including science, has a language and strategies for communicating both verbal and nonverbal information. As the TST journal editor notes: “…it turns out that…

  • Visual literacy

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    In addition to sentences and paragraphs, the typical science textbook includes diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, graphs, maps, tables, and sidebars. Many of these (along with animations and videos) are also found in…

  • Science and literacy

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    Table of Contents There is much in the literature about the importance of reading in science, not just pronouncing or decoding words but comprehending informational text. Unlike what students might see in a reading…

  • Visual literacy

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    Our district has a goal for every teacher to reinforce student literacy skills. We’re struggling with this at the secondary level. Most of our students seem to have decent reading levels, and the reading…

  • Science literacy

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    Making the connections between science, reading, writing, and media literacy has been a professional interest of mine for many years. So I get really excited when The Science Teacher has literacy as a theme. In addition…

  • Literacy in Science

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