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  • Absorbing Visual Literacy

    Journal Article |

    Using diaper advertisements to create product testers

  • The Science and Literacy Framework

    Journal Article |

    Carefully selected trade books can introduce science concepts, develop background knowledge, reinforce hands-on lessons, support science-process skills, and at the same time enhance related literacy-process skills. They…

  • A Place for Content Literacy

    Journal Article |

    To help students learn and apply science content, teachers can embed content literacy instruction within science instruction. This involves teaching the content and the literacy skills students need to learn that…

  • Policy, Literacy, and Energy

    Journal Article |

    A yearlong project to engage physics students with national energy policy.

  • Scientific Literacy for All

    Journal Article |

    All students, including English language learners (ELLs), benefit from a curriculum that emphasizes the teaching of concepts in depth and focuses on process and critical thinking skills. Often, simply using the inquiry-…

  • Writing and Science Literacy

    Journal Article |

    Students' science literacy can be assessed and enhanced by using writing activities in the science classroom. Students can use technical writing to communicate their lab experiences and creative writing to make…

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