Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about magnetization. It is designed to find out how students would represent, at the particle level, a nonmagnetized versus a magnetized nail. The probe…
Electricity and Magnetism: Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It
NSTA Press Book |
Shocked by static? Mixed up about magnets? Curious about currents? This book will help you get beyond memorizing electricity-related formulas, rules, and procedures so you can understand the topic at a deep level—deep…
3D Magnetic Fields: Making Meaningful Connections
Book Chapter |
In this activity, a sealed, transparent container filled with a clear, colorless oil and several tablespoons of iron filings is shaken and a cylindrical magnet is suspended in the middle of the container. Beautiful…
Can Magnets Push or Pull Without Touching?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about magnetic force. It is designed to find out whether students recognize that magnets can push (repel) or pull (attract) certain objects at a distance…
How Can You Represent a Magnetic Field?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about magnetic fields. It is designed to find out how students would represent a magnetic field using magnetic field lines. The probe is best used with…
Does a Magnet Pick up Any Kind of Metal?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about magnetic materials. It is designed to determine whether students recognize that only certain metals interact with magnets. Use a steel fork—not…
What Happens If You Use the Other End of the Magnet?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about magnetic interactions. It is designed to find out whether students think the pole of a magnet determines whether it will attract or repel magnetic…
Engaging Students with Magnets, Rulers, Globes, Rocks, Leaves, and . . . Dogs
Journal Article |
NSTA Press Book |
If you and your students can’t get enough of a good thing, Volume 2 of Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science is just what you need. The book offers 39 new formative assessment probes, this time with a focus on…
What Happens When You Wrap a Magnet With Aluminum Foil?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about magnetic force. It is designed to reveal students’ ideas about how magnetism passes through some materials. Before beginning show students how the…
What Happens When You Hold a Magnet Near a Refrigerator?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about magnetic interactions. It is designed to find out how students visually represent magnetic interactions. If materials are available, consider…
What Happens When a Magnet is Brought Near a Charged Ball?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about magnetic interactions. It is designed to find out whether students confuse electrostatic effects with magnetic effects and is best used for…
There’s More to Magnetism Than Objects Being Attracted to Refrigerators
Book Chapter |
Chapters 6–13 share grades 3–5 model lessons for putting the “explore-before-explain” mind-set into practice. This chapter explores a phenomenon related to the lesson title and begins with an engagement activity that…
There’s More to Magnetism Than Certain Objects Being Attracted to Refrigerators
Book Chapter |
Chapters 6–9, share model lessons for putting the explore-before-explain mindset into practice using either a POE (Predict, Observe, and Explain) or 5E (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) instructional…