An interesting example of 21st century technology
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[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFV9FDLrV0g[/youtube] In the video above, a third grader gets to use a rather striking example of 21st century technology to talk about some common topics in science,…
High tech highlights: NSTA 2011
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Here’s a taste of NSTA San Fran. More on this later, but many of the tech tools are open-ended allowing for student/teacher defined uses. Overall, the future looks like a fun place to teach! [youtube]http://www.…
20th century skills for the 22nd century and beyond!
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“To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.” —Chinese Proverb A team of science educators has developed a new NSTA position statement acknowledging the value of 21st-century skills within the context of science…
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I’ve never felt inferior because I use a calculator, nor when I supplement my travel memory with a digital camera. Or even when I ignore the myriad of squiggly red lines underlining the words as I type this. My GPS…
Hey Watson! My dog is smarter than your phone.
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It’s amazing how we put such faith into a computer where we risk national-make that global scrutiny as it preforms tasks autonomously that carry immense scientific and philosophical weight. Let’s listen in for a…
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The other night, I could hear my daughter in her room talking; well more like explaining what sounded like schoolwork. Rather than opening the door, I assumed she was recording her voice on her iPod, something she had…
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Once again, a late evening was spent on earth science worksheets. This time, however, it was not memorizing terms that presented the challenge, but rather something that caused great consternation in science in general…
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There is an old physics joke about a professor who gave a test that included a question that required to the student to explain how to measure the height of a tall building using a barometer. In essence, the punch line…
The limits of molecular learning
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As the evening wore down and the hour hand moved north of the seven, my sixth grade daughter informed me she had a big science test the next day and needed help studying. She admitted confusion about some of the…
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I like to think of science as the process of discovering or creating knowledge. Sure it has many other definitions, but to me, in its most basic form science generates information, and that information is understood and…
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I was just reading about Google’s Global Online Science Fair. My first thought was why didn’t I think of that? But even if I had, it would have been mere seconds considering the scale of such a thing to squash any…
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Here are some helpful websites addressing digital photography. Instead of an endless list of sites (I call them link dumps), I have provided only one link per category, and that link is a good one IMHO. Basic…
Welcome to the Science 2.0 Blog
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Although blogs (web logs) were once only a reverse chronological diary of thoughts and observations, today’s blogs are so much more. First of all, the vast amount of aggregatible content has brightened a once text-heavy…
Measuring Murphy’s Law with the Vernier Go Direct Acceleration Sensor
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On the 4th of July this year, a fitting date, America lost a true hero whom many people had never heard of, namely Robert Gilliland. Bob Gilliland was the chief test pilot and first person to fly the iconic SR-…
The Vernier Go Direct EKG Sensor: The Heart in Action
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The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed. Or so wrote Charlotte Brontë in the poem Evening…