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  • Lavosier Measures with Polymers

    Journal Article |

    Measurement activities in middle school classrooms are usually lectures followed by an activity of measuring known samples. As an alternative, the author developed a creative, hands-on activity for teaching measurement…

  • Measuring River Pollution

    Journal Article |

    The Don River watershed is located within Canada’s most highly urbanized area—metropolitan Toronto. To help assess the ecological health of the Don, biology students investigated the main Don River tributaries using…

  • A Question of Measure: Students build problem-solving skills by measuring volume

    Journal Article |

    Early in the semester, students must learn to work in teams and develop problem-solving skills. This article features a team-building activity that requires students to incorporate math skills, logic, and problem…

  • Research and Teaching: Micro-Agency: Measuring the Initiation of Agency Within Science Classes

    Journal Article |

    This retrospective study investigated the effectiveness of an active approach to assessment (two-stage cooperative testing) as a means of improving student retention of key physiologic concepts.

  • Teacher's toolkit: Measurement stations

    Journal Article |

    This issue of Science Scope debuts Teacher's Toolkit, a new column featuring an array of tips, strategies, and resources for teachers addressing instructional issues in science. Over the course of the school year, the…

  • Scope on the Skies: Measuring the Universe

    Journal Article |

    This column focuses on astronomy throughout the year. This month’s issue discusses how to measure how far away galaxies are.

  • Idea Bank: Measurement by the Numbers

    Journal Article |

    The Idea Bank provides tips and techniques for creative teaching, in about 1,000 words. This month’s Idea Bank discusses how to train students in measurement.

  • Activities that Really Measure Up

    Journal Article |

    Linear measurement is more than just learning how to use a ruler. In the early grades, measurement activities develop students’ understanding of the properties of objects as well as what it means to measure objects.…

  • Say “Yes” to Metric Measure

    Journal Article |

    As educators, we need to assume responsibility for actively teaching our students the metric system; to fail to do so may limit their participation in a global society. Standards developed by the National Council of…

  • The Early Years: Measuring Learning

    Journal Article |

    This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. In this month’s issue the activity assesses what children understand about measurement.

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