Web Seminar |
In this web seminar, the presenters share how an Engineering for Sustainable Communities (EfSC) approach in the middle grades can foster critical consciousness and support strong connections between classrooms and…
Journal Article |
Since the passage of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2002, and the amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 2004, the majority of students with learning disabilities take science courses as part…
Anti-Racism in the Middle School Science Classroom
Blog Post |
The Engineering Design Process: A Middle School Approach
Blog Post |
To support the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Middle School Engineering Design, we have three goals for our students: to define problems accurately, design the best solution using a rigorous process, and…
Gravitational Interactions and 3-D Learning in Middle School
Blog Post |
I recently embarked on a journey with K–8 teachers in Vermont to learn how to be intentional about planning for three-dimensional (3-D) learning in the classroom. To begin our journey, we determined which NGSS…
Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers in Middle School
Blog Post |
Reading can be fun. For science-loving kids, using science-based texts can be an exciting way to increase understanding of concepts. A new NSTA Press book provides a plethora of ways to use nonfiction texts for inquiry-…
Identifying and Implementing Instructional Materials in Middle School
Blog Post |
Identifying and implementing science instructional materials that equitably engage students in active learning of science concepts, practices, sensemaking, problem-solving, and decision-making can be overwhelming for…
Safety Recommendations for Opening the New School Year
Journal Article |
Toward High School Biology: A New Curriculum for Your Middle School Students
Blog Post |
Would you like to challenge your middle school students to explain a range of phenomena—from how nylon thread can form from two clear, colorless liquids to how a snake that eats only eggs can make body structures that…
Middle School Science Teachers Making a Difference at NSTA
Blog Post |
As head of the middle level division at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), one of my goals is to communicate more with middle level science teachers. So, we’re launching a blog, which I hope will enable…
Bright Ideas for Middle Schoolers through the Bright Schools Competition!
Blog Post |
Begin Developing your BRIGHT Schools Team The goal of the Bright Schools program is to create a learning experience that will help students, parents and teachers better understand the link among light, sleep and…