Amusement Park of the Future, Grade 6: STEM Road Map for Middle School (e-book)
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What if you could challenge your sixth graders to design an amusement park for children of tomorrow to safely enjoy? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can! Amusement Park of the…
Guest Editorial: Epigenetics: A New Science for Middle School—And Why You Should Teach It
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An opinion piece about epigenetics.
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In the exciting, “out of this world” activity described here, students measure the Earth using meter sticks while measuring their shadows in two distant locations. To obtain the size of the Earth, students discover the…
Sponsored Archive: The Power of High Quality Instructional Materials in Middle School, May 12, 2022
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It is complex work to create developmentally appropriate learning sequences that meet the NGSS’ expectations for phenomena-based storylines that address all three dimensions! Research-based and field-tested…
Improving Bridge Design, Grade 8: STEM Road Map for Middle School (e-book)
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Improving Bridge Design outlines a journey that will steer your students toward authentic problem solving while grounding them in integrated STEM disciplines. As are the other volumes in the series, this book is…
Should I Wear a Mask in School?
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A “Meteor” Crashed Into Our School!
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Human Impacts on Our Climate, Grade 6: STEM Road Map for Middle School (e-book )
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What if you could challenge your sixth graders to come up with a way to help tackle climate change in their own community? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can! Human Impacts on Our…
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Great news for multitasking middle school teachers: Science educators Terry Shiverdecker and Jessica Fries-Gaither can help you blend inquiry-based science and literacy instruction to support student learning and…