Model-Based Inquiry in Biology: Three-Dimensional Instructional Units for Grades 9-12
NSTA Press Book |
This book is your chance to shift the emphasis of your high school biology curriculum away from “we need to learn about this topic in order to do well in class” to “we need to figure out why or how things happen in the…
Modeling the Melting of Permafrost
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Can science really provide us with the ultimate answers to life, the universe, and everything? To answer this question and others, we first have to understand models. What are they? How do they work? Why do we use them…
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The example of Models-Based Science Teaching (MBST) the author presents in this chapter is built upon the guided inquiry model. Inquiry has shown itself to be at least as effective as traditional approaches for content…
Building Models in the Classroom
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In this chapter, the author will go into more detail about using MBST in the lab and field, focusing on the practical concerns and techniques of model building in the science classroom.
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To better understand scientific inquiry and how to teach inquiry-based science, full consideration of the uses, purposes, and limitations of models is important. The information presented in this chapter is a summary of…
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Literacy professionals often think about the connection between reading and writing. How does reading impact the ability to write and think? What do competent writers notice when they read? In this chapter, the authors…
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From the time they are very young, children are naturally curious about the Moon. They may wonder about the different shapes of the Moon when they look up at the night sky. In this chapter's primary lesson, students…
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Model-eliciting activities (MEAs) create opportunities to incorporate new standards and evaluate teacher performance. MEAs are simulated real-world problems that integrate engineering, mathematical, and scientific…
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The guiding questions in this activity are,“Are all rocks formed the same way and how does rock change during the rock cycle?” Rocks are constantly being recycled on Earth and what happens to a rock depends on the…
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Computational Modeling With Multilingual Learners
Journal Article |
While the vision for science education through A Framework for K–12 Science Education (NRC 2012) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) continues to take hold in classrooms across the nation, computational…
Book Chapter |
In the author's Biology 350 (genetics) course, the students assemble and demonstrate models to teach concepts related to course content topics. Each student chooses one article from a selection of published papers that…