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Model the movement of energy through the water cycle.
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Inclusion of model building in the learning process promotes a deep understanding of scientific content and concepts. Likewise, higher level questioning requires high cognitive demand and critical reasoning and leads to…
Connecting Earth Systems: Developing Holistic Understanding Through the Earth-System-Science Model
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Explore how the four Earth systems—the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere—interact and are impacted by human activity.
Guest Editorial: NGSS Case Studies: Economically Disadvantaged Students Developing Conceptual Models
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This article focuses on a case study of economically disadvantaged students, which can serve as a vehicle for professional development activities as teachers examine the case studies and use them as prototypes for…
Two-Year Community: A 3+8 Model of Undergraduate Research for Community College STEM Majors
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This article describes the implementation of an innovative undergraduate research model for students attending a two-year institution. It gives students an opportunity to engage in undergraduate research at nearby four-…
Guest Editorial: Modeling What We Can't Sense—Using Evidence We Can
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An opinion piece about exploring ways the practices of science can be integrated with literature.
Pangea Redux: Students learn about plate tectonics using Wilson Cycle models
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The authors suggest that a basic misconception exists about the cyclic nature of plate tectonic theory that inhibits teachers and students from fully appreciating just how dynamic Earth has been and will be over the…