Guidelines for Authors: The Science Teacher
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Guidelines for Authors: The Science Teacher About The Science Teacher The Science Teacher is an award-winning, peer-reviewed, practitioners' journal for grade 9-12 teachers, university faculty responsible for teacher preparation, and state and district science supervisors and leaders. The Science…
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Welcome to the NSTA list server.* NSTA’s lists are group email discussions that allow members to exchange information in a peer-to-peer forum. NSTA Members who subscribe (at no extra cost!) can now select from 23 …
Science Scope: Checklist for Feature Articles
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Never written a feature article for Science Scope before? Follow this checklist as you prepare your manuscript. You’ll soon be on your way to getting published!
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Generation Genius .subscribePlanHeadingSec { font-size: 2em; } .discountPrice { font-size: 5em; } .subsection { margin-bottom:1rem; } .priceDuration { padding-bottom:1rem; margin-bottom:1rem; border-bottom:#ddd 1px solid; } .boxes { width:50%; float:left; padding:0.7em…
Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021
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Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021 July/August 2021Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force PatternsK-23-5Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music!Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources Using Toys to Create a Global ConnectionUsing Toys…
From Vision to Reality: Making the NGSS Come Alive in Every Classroom
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The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are ushering in an exciting new era of science education where three-dimensional learning integrates core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts…
More Than 200 Vetted Classroom Resources on the NGSS@NSTA Hub
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With the creation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) came the question of “What does NGSS-based instruction look like in my classroom, and where will I find the instructional resources for teaching the new…
Webinars for K-5 on teaching the NGSS: making sense of phenomena using evidence
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The National Science Teachers Association’s Web Seminars are free, 90-minute, live professional development experiences. Next Generation Science Standards (K-12)(NGSS) were written to include early childhood,…
Denver Public Schools' Journey to K–12 NGSS-Aligned Teaching and Learning
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