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October K-12 Journals Available from the National Science Teachers Association
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October’s K–12 journals from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) highlight unique trends in science eduction. Science and Children, for elementary educators, hones in on one of the major shifts in the…
The Development of the Next Generation Science Standards
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A Science Teacher-Friendly Primer on Implicit Bias
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National Science Teachers Association and NAEYC Join Forces to Enrich Early Childhood Science
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The world of a young child is full of “wow.” Children are constantly observing, exploring and discovering phenomena around them. From those activities they build models of how they think the world works and make…
National Science Teaching Association Announces Recipients of its 2020 Teacher Awards Program
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National Science Teaching Association Names 2021 Recipients of Its Teacher Awards Program
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Radioactive Waste: Resources for Environmental Literacy
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Since World War II, hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive materials have been produced in the United States. How we will dispose of nuclear waste is a controversial issue with a large technical component. This…
Teacher Spotlight: Daniel Delcher
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Investigating Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs About Teaching and Learning Science
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To inform teacher education programs, it is imperative to uncover preservice teachers’ (PSTs) implicit and tacit beliefs about teaching and learning science. The study of teachers’ beliefs requires a range of…