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  • Teach about science in the news in 2020

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    What do wildfires, drought, and extreme weather have in common? All these events in the news can be doorways to exploring weather, climate, and more with your students. NSTA’s Book Beat issue this month features…

  • Ed News: Climate Change Is Not Up For Debate.

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    This week in education news, West Virginia hasn’t externally tested whether the SAT test’s “Analysis in Science” section actually measures what students are learning in their science classrooms; New Teacher Center…

  • Ed News: Insights Into Early STEM Learning

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    This week in education news, Project Lead The Way unveils a new end-of-course assessment that will test students soft skills as well as their knowledge of STEM subjects; despite a relatively steady rise in per-pupil…

  • Ed News: Highlighting the ‘E’ in STEM Education

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    This week in education news, Trump presents FY 2019 budget to Congress; new study finds student learning gains in schools where teacher mentor their colleagues; Aurora science teacher like collaborating with students;…

  • Ed News: Where Will STEM Education Be In 5 Years?

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    This week in education news, by 2018, it is projected that 2.4 million STEM jobs will go unfilled; money is not the most important thing to teachers; policymakers and educational organizations are increasingly…

  • Ed News: A New Normal in STEM Teaching?

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    This week in education news, top White House science adviser job still vacant; U.S. Department of Education awards $253 million in grants to expand charter schools; flipped learning still going strong 10 years later;…

  • The Most Profound News of Valentine’s Day 2017

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    This Valentine’s Day, while most media attention was focused on the dismissal of the National Security Advisor, The New York Times ran a story that received much less media attention, but has far greater potential…

  • News from the Maine Science Teachers Association

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    The Maine Science Teachers Association has announced that the date of their annual conference has been changed to Friday, November 12.  Held at the Gardiner Area High School, the theme is Change for Sustainability…

  • Ed News: What Are the Blind Spots in Teacher PD?

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    This week in education news, NEA sees small increase in membership; effective grading practices, classroom technology, and social-emotional competencies among blind spots in teacher professional development; new…

  • Ed News: Here’s The Math That Proves Teachers Are Underpaid

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    This week in education news, math that proves teachers are underpaid; how 29 year old Katie Bouman helped to capture the image of a black hole; and how STEM may help you to win next year’s March Madness bracket. That…

  • Ed News: Should Teachers Choose Their Own PD?

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    This week in education news, new study finds novice teachers are more likely to end up in schools with fewer veteran co-workers; Wyoming Ed Board disagrees on the direction of the state’s proposed computer science…

  • Ed News: Early An Overlooked Solution for Diversifying STEM

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    This week in education news, educators want Pennsylvania to adopt science standards that help students recognize that science is part of everyday life; low-income students are much less likely than high-income students…

  • Ed News: Putting the ‘E’ in STEM for the Littlest Learners

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    This week in education news, Sen. Lamar Alexander plans to retire; 2018 federal report found that only 18 percent of the innovations funded by the Education Department lifted student achievement; project-based learning…

  • Ed News: Using Teacher-Leaders to Improve Schools

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    This week in education news, students chalk up three times the learning gains in classrooms with the most effective teachers; virtual reality can be a powerful tool for improving environmental learning gains and…

  • Ed News: STEM: What’s Holding Females Back?

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    This week in education news, Amazon announces new Amazon Future Engineer initiative; research project at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is exploring the use of flipped teaching in STEM courses; NASBE…

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