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  • Ed News: Coaching Is A Promising PD Strategy For Early Educators

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    This week in education news, new report provides guidance on effective coaching models for teachers working with young children; one third of college students in the U.S. change their majors at least once; Iowa’s STEM…

  • Ed News: Nebraska Aims To Ease Path For Future Teachers

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    This week in education news, state officials want to keep more candidates in Nebraska’s teacher-preparation pipeline by easing testing requirements; Maine considering relaxing certification standards to get more…

  • Ed News: The Role Of Science In Boosting Outcomes For English Learners

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    This week in education news, students attending high-poverty schools have fewer opportunities than students attending low-poverty schools; K-12 school spending got caught up in budget standoffs this year; the number of…

  • Ed News: Climate Science Meets A Stubborn Obstacle, Students

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    This week in education news, what President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris accord means for teachers; aquariums and zoos stepping up to try and make climate change easier to teach; the Nebraska Dept. of…

  • Ed News: Idaho Releases Revamped Science Standards Proposal

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    This week in education news, Idaho releases revamped science standards proposal; two University of Florida professors explain how the taunting of minority students in a robotics competition are part of a cultural idea…

  • Ed News: Teacher Speak – What PD Actually Works?

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    This week in education news, 12 Texas students injured in outdoor science experiment involving fire; student misconceptions about the teaching profession, as well as a lack of discussion on the part of professors,…

  • Ed News: The Search For A Middle Ground Between Teacher And Administrator

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    This week in education news, should teachers stay in the classroom or move to an administrator role; President Trump orders hard look at federal reach on K-12 policy; the nation’s elementary school children still…

  • Ed News: Idaho Legislators Strip Climate Change Language

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    This week in education news, Idaho legislators remove climate change language from new state science standards, California renews push to promote environmental education in public schools, three global indexes show…

  • Update on ESSA; Good News for STEM and FY2017 Appropriations

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      July 14, 2016: Congress is set to adjourn for the summer and will return after Labor Day. Before leaving town though there was a flurry of activity around appropriations for FY2017 programs and career and…

  • No good news from the Nation's Report Card on Science

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    The 2009 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) Science scores were released last week, and NSTA was fortunate to have a number of journalists calling and asking our thoughts about the results. We sent a…

  • Safety Resources for Elementary Schools

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    Safety Resources for Elementary Schools American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) Call the Poison Control Help line at 1-800-222-1222 or visit American Chemical Society (ACS) Safety in the Elementary (K–6) Classroom (PDF) Milli's Safety Tips for Children (PDF) Council of State…

  • Tips for Busy Parents

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    Tips for Busy Parents Do you panic when your child comes home from school asking for help with his or her science fair project? Do you ever wonder how you can help your child learn science? You are not alone. Many parents—especially those who didn't pursue careers in science—may be apprehensive, sometimes even fearful,…

  • Ed News: Teacher Attrition Demands New Approaches to Leadership, Preparation

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    This week in education news, educators in Indiana have a hard time finding quality resources that focus on climate change; new study finds that the differences in summer learning between poor and wealthy students…

  • Ed News: Project-Based Learning Boosts Student Engagement, Understanding

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    This week in education news, the last decade has seen widespread degree inflation; NCSE has developed a series of five climate change lessons for science teachers; new Florida bill requires schools to place a stronger…

  • Ed News: The Evolution of U.S. Teacher Salaries in the 21st Century

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    This week in education news, a look at the variation in teacher pay between the states, a new Lego set for middle schoolers that incorporates coding, and challenges ahead with the California test based on new science…

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