What’s Inside Our Solar System?
Lesson Plan |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the solar system. The probe is designed to find out if students can distinguish between objects in the solar system and objects outside of the…
Lesson Plan |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the Sun and stars. The probe is designed to uncover students’ ideas about the nature of stars and their recognition that the Sun is an average star…
Journal Article |
Freebies for Science Teachers, October 20, 2020
Reports Article |
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Changes in Elementary Teachers’ Conceptions About Matter
Journal Article |
While research has investigated elementary teachers’ understanding of science content, such research is often limited to topics typically not addressed in elementary school curricula. Yet, research has illustrated that…
Freebies for Science Teachers, August 17, 2021
Reports Article |
Designing Equitable Engagement in Sensemaking
Blog Post |
Journal Article |
Increases in student-centered pedagogy have been more prevalent in K–12 education than in collegiate undergraduate science education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of using student-centered…
Integrating Crosscutting Concepts into Science Instruction
Journal Article |
When Can We See Different Objects in the Sky?
Lesson Plan |
Lesson Plan |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about why the constellations change with the seasons. The probe is designed to find out how students use the Earth’s spin and orbit to explain why…