Outcomes for Peer-Based Mentors in a University-Wide STEM Persistence Program: A Three-Year Analysis
Journal Article |
While the majority of STEM persistence has focused on outcomes for first-year students, there has been little investigation into the outcomes for peer mentors. Of the studies conducted, results are promising. Benefits…
Engaging Children in Multidisciplinary Learning Centers
Journal Article |
An Exam Wrapper Intervention in Organic Chemistry I: Impact on Course Performance and Study Behavior
Journal Article |
This article describes a quasi-experimental study conducted in two Organic Chemistry I classrooms at a diverse, urban, public university.
Safety Recommendations for Opening the New School Year
Blog Post |
Addressing Student Diversity and Equity
Journal Article |
Using a Systems Thinking Approach to Figure Out Why a Ball Drops, Bounces, and Stops
Journal Article |
This column provides how-to strategies and practical advice for the science teacher. In this issue, learn how to develop students’ systems thinking skills and have them apply these skills to discover and explain the…
Journal Article |
Investigating anthropogenic litter in local ecosystems