Beyond Doom and Gloom: Teaching Climate Change to Foster Empowerment
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Innovative Technology Enhances Outdoor Learning Experiences With Playground Physics
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Self-regulated learning (SRL) is the metacognitive aspect of learning that goes beyond learning content and skills. With SRL, students are aware of their content understanding and learning progress and use advanced…
How Does Climate Change Affect Oyster Populations?
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Using Climate Models to Learn About Global Climate Change
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Physical and life science disciplines emphasize how basic structural units influence function, yet it is challenging for students to understand structure-function relationships, particularly at molecular scales.…
Qualitative Analysis of Ray Optics in a College Physics Laboratory: A 5E Lesson
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This paper describes an alternative approach to teaching and learning practices in an undergraduate physics laboratory. The instructor plans and implements the 5E instructional model into the laboratory instruction.…
Comparing Academically Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Groups in an Active Learning Physics Class
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Many methods have been developed for managing groups in active learning classes, but little research has been done on the effect of group structure itself. Results are presented for an active learning physics class in…
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NSTA Press Extras NSTA Press® books with additional online resources Adventures With Arthropods: Eco-Friendly Lessons for Middle School Becoming a Responsive Science Teacher: Focusing on Student Thinking in Secondary Science Beyond the Egg Drop: Infusing Engineering Into High School Physics Brain-Powered Science…
How Do NASCAR Race Car Tires Take the Heat? (Part 1: Physical Changes)
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Motor Impaired / Orthopedic Disability
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Motor Impaired / Orthopedic Disability James Prescott Joule (1818–1889) was an English physicist who studied thermodynamics, leading to the famous “Joule’s Law.” He was born with a spinal disorder that required him to be home schooled. Motor impaired/orthopedic disabilities include a…
Glossary of Disability Terminology
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Glossary of Disability Terminology Accessible: In the case of a facility, readily usable by a particular individual; in the case of a program or activity, presented or provided in such a way that a particular individual can participate, with or without auxiliary aid(s); in the case of electronic resources, accessible…