Why Does the Cracker Taste Sweet?
Lesson Plan |
Cultivating a Culture of Belonging in Science
Blog Post |
Why Do Some Microwaves Cook Faster?
Lesson Plan |
The Three Dimensions of Teaching and Learning: Module 2: Science and Engineering Practices
Professional Learning Course Module |
What Do You Know About Volcanoes and Earthquakes?
Lesson Plan |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about plate tectonic features and events. The probe is designed to uncover commonly held misconceptions about volcanoes and earthquakes.
Why Is Our Fruit Turning Brown?
Lesson Plan |
NSTA Science Instructional Materials
Blog Post |
Playlist |
How Teachers and Families Can Work Together During Remote Instruction
Blog Post |
How Can We Protect Fragile Cargo?
Lesson Plan |
Why Do We All Have to Stay Home?
Lesson Plan |
Lesson Plan |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit beginning ideas about types of forces. The probe is designed to reveal whether students recognize that forces can act both in direct contact with an object and at a…
Lesson Plan |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about seeds. The probe is designed to find out what students think most seeds need to germinate.
Lesson Plan |